What if...

Every child knew they were valued and had the support and opportunities to pursue their dream?

Today Tonight segment on incredible Grandparent Carers

Every Child Matters.

Only when a child knows they matter and are given tools, support and opportunity, will they dare to dream of bright and fulfilling futures.

iDareDream offers grandchildren being raised by their grandparents, opportunities to participate
in the same activities and programs most other children enjoy.

Most grandparents struggle to meet the numerous daily expenses of unexpectedly raising a second generation in their later years and can rarely afford any extra-curricular events for the children suddenly in their care.

total activities sponsored
in sponsorship of activities
$ 0
of donations support the children
0 %

What the Grandparents say

Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity for my granddaughter . . . it was the first time she was able to overcome her anxiety and stay anywhere without me. She came home so happy and proud

Girl aged 6

Thank you very much to you and your donors for sponsoring these swimming classes.  She was ashamed because she couldn't swim and her classmates could.  Her confidence in the water has increased and she has now accomplished three levels

Girl aged 9

Thanks heaps iDareDream, attendance at Filmbites has well and truly lured her out of her cave!

Girl aged 11

He’s really found the ideal activity . . . he’s behaving so much better and is improving immensely with his communication, attitude and ability to interact positively with his family and friends

Boy aged 12

Your organisation is absolutely amazing and I can’t covey how much you have helped our family.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Grandmother, Bunbury

This (kickboxing) has made a huge change in her attitude at home and school

Girl aged 12

He did his first grading tonight and moved up a belt and this achievement has clearly done wonders for his self-esteem

Boy aged 13

 I’ve seen a noticeable positive change since she has been doing gymnastics that you so kindly sponsor.  She is definitely more confident and outgoing and makes friends easily. This is a huge change from the shy anxious little girl that used to cling on to my leg and cry ‘grandma don't go’ when leaving her at school last year.

Girl Aged 6

Keeping him engaged with sports is helping his social skills and anxiety improve

Boy Aged 14

[Name supplied] confidence continues to grow despite being the smallest in the class. Her legs are much stronger too. She couldn’t walk very far and couldn’t run at all before having dance lessons.

Girl Aged 7

Message from our Founder

Welcome and thanks for coming here. We hope you stay and explore all we have to offer, and even join us in this exciting work.

As a mother of three boys I well remember how energy-zapping raising a young family can be. Replace youthful vigour with advancing years and possible declining health, and the prospect of suddenly becoming a full-time parent to a grandchild is extremely daunting!

Today, that’s exactly the situation facing more and more grandparents.

Quietly they surrender their retirement plans to provide their neglected or abandoned grandchildren safe and loving homes. However, they need help healing the inner wounds affecting these precious young lives.

Observing this brought up my own challenge.

What could I do to help?

Individually, very little . . . so iDareDream was born.

Working together we can make a bigger difference.

Virginia Huupponen

We're here to help

Support and resources for Grandcarers

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Ways to share the dream and make a difference

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