iDareDream offers support to Grandparents with the full-time care of their grandchildren to ensure each grandchild knows they matter – to us all!
We know there can be many reasons your grandchildren live with you. And when they come into your care, they’ve usually had some very frightening experiences.
Research shows that even when these children are raised by other loving family members, the early childhood trauma they’ve already experienced still impacts their development – particularly the part of the brain responsible for self-worth, and can adversely affect ongoing behaviour unless actively addressed.
iDareDream offers children of Grandcarer Families the opportunity to join after school activities or holiday programs where they can discover new interests, learn new skills, grow their self-confidence and, most importantly, begin to feel a sense of belonging, of being part of the greater community in which they live and will one day take their rightful place.
By facilitating participation in experiential activities, the children have a chance to discover something within themselves – some talent, some interest or desire that matters to them, a dream they can hold and use to forge brighter futures for themselves.
“Dreams inspire hope and make us more resilient when facing life’s challenges.”
We know that providing such extra-curricular and recreational activities are normally well outside the limited financial capacity of Grandcarers, with many of you already struggling to meet the numerous daily expenses of raising a second generation at this time in your life.
It is also our desire to develop a collaborative community for grandcarers who may be suffering from the social isolation and grief at the loss of your friends who are now child-free (and sometimes other family members), not to mention your own lost retirement plans.
We aim to build a network of existing resources and assist grandcarers with the often difficult and time-consuming task of finding and then navigating access to those most appropriate to meet your specific needs.
If you are a Grandparent and would like your new family to become a member of iDareDream, please talk to us or download a Membership form here.
We’d love to have you!
See how your Privacy is protected.
Looking for help?
Legal Information
Grandparents can play a significant role in a child’s life and may be the child’s main caregiver. In many situations it is therefore important to understand your rights as a grandparent to see and care for your grandchildren. The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) has provision to grant rights to grandparents in relation to their grandchildren.
Under the Family Law Act, a grandparent is the parent of a child’s mother or father. A child usually has four biological grandparents (whether living or deceased) but may also have non-biological grandparents.
Find more information about grandparents and family law in Australia here.
For information on WA Legal Aid services and their regional offices, click here.
iDareDream members have access to free initial advice and referral.
Family tax benefits for Grandparents
For the purposes of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part B and Child Care Subsidy, a grandparent of a child can be any of the following:
- a biological, adoptive or step grandparent or great grandparent of the child
- a parent or grandparent of a relationship parent of the child – a relationship parent is a person who is legally responsible for a child born as a result of artificial conception procedures or born under surrogacy arrangements
- the current or former partner of a biological, adoptive or relationship grandparent or great grandparent.
Find out more information and check your eligibility here.
More Financial support for Grandcarers
Where can I get more information?
Grandcare is funded by the State Government and delivered by Wanslea Family Services Inc. It does not provide legal advice but services, including initial support and information, for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren (full-time) on an informal basis. This service can be contacted on 1800 008 323 (freecall 10am – 3pm, Monday – Friday).
If you are a grandparent caring for a child in WA and want information on support available to you from Centrelink, contact the Grandparent Adviser on 1800 245 965 (free call from a landline).
If you are an Indigenous grandparent you may be able to get assistance from Aboriginal Family Support Service by contacting it on (08) 6330 5400 or by visiting this website:
Go to the Children’s Court of WA website located at: for information on the court process and forms you might need.
FASD Hub has a local services directory and FASD information and management.
WA Connect homepage provides links to emergency relief and crisis support services. Scroll down to Services Available.
Secondary Assistance Scheme for help with high school needs.
Communicare for a number of family services
Raising Children Network is a parenting website with videos, articles and Apps for all stages of child development from birth to young adulthood.
And here are some recorded webinars by Claire Orange from Best Programs 4 Kids to support grandparent carers with parenting challenges:
- Every Child’s Road to Resilience
- Trauma, Anxiety and ADHD – what’s going on?
- Real-time and Online Friendships
KidSport enables eligible Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 years to participate in community sport by offering them financial assistance of up to $500 per calendar year towards club fees.
All Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 with a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.
For further information please contact the KidSport team on 61 8 9492 9911
Vacation Swimming Classes
Enrolling in VacSwim is easy. The most convenient way is to enrol online.
Program dates will be available in early May and enrolments will open in mid-July.
Check VacSwim programs and locations for availability and closing dates for online enrolments before making your enrolment. Concessions are available for families with eligible concession cards.
You can enrol your child if they will be five years or more when they start the program. They need to also be less than 18 years on the final day of the selected program.
You may be asked to provide a birth certificate as proof of age, as age restrictions apply for some higher stages. Check the stages and awards for more information.
Parent & Family Drug Support Line
A confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone concerned about a loved one’s alcohol or drug use.
Metro (08) 9442 5050, Country 1800 653 203.
Both numbers are 24hrs, 7 days a week
Drug Aware
24hr Alcohol and Drug Support Lines
Metro (08) 9442 5000 Country 1800 198 024
Carer Gateway
This Australian Government website has information about services and support for carers. Look for information on the website, use the service finder or call the national helpline:
Phone: 1800 422 737
Hours: 8 am-6 pm, Monday-Friday
Department of Child Protection & Family Support
Crisis line phone (08) 9223 1111 Country free call phone 1800 199 008
Caring for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children Information and Agencies
This resource is designed to support and empower you in your day-to-day caring role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
Family Relationships Online
This national telephone service can provide information and advice on family relationships, including parenting arrangements after separation.
Phone: 1800 050 321
Hours: 8 am-8 pm, Monday-Friday; 10 am-4 pm Saturday (local time), except national public holidays
Parenting Resources
Perth Mums
Join the Perth Mums Facebook Group to ask questions, seek advice, share experiences and join a vibrant and supportive community.
CLAN (Community Link and Network) works with Perth families to build resilience and offers support to parents who are looking for help with relationships, parenting and other issues. Their courses are more focussed on older children and teenagers.
They offer a range of programs including:
• Understanding anxiety and depression in youth
• Kids and anxiety
• Setting boundaries
• Mental health first aid
• Managing sibling rivalry
• Four cornerstones of positive parenting
To find out more or book a workshop, please click here.
Parenting WA
Parenting WA is a free information, support and referral service for families with children aged from pre-birth to 18 years, and offer workshops as well as a telephone service and free parenting library.
They offer a range of free programs including:
• Triple P (building strong, healthy relationships)
• Circle of Security Parenting (how to raise awareness of children’s emotional needs)
• Protective Behaviours (promoting resilience, empowerment and awareness of ‘safe’ behaviours)
• 123 Magic (teaching parents to manage their child’s difficult behaviour using an easy signalling system)
• Tuning into Kids (teaching parents how to recognise, understand and respond to their child’s emotions)
• Tuning into Teens (for parents with teenaged children)
To find out more or book a workshop, please click here.
Triple P Parenting
Triple P is a parenting site providing seminars and workshops (some online and many are FREE) and gives tips and ideas to help raise happy and confident kids; see more of the behaviours you like and less of the ones you don’t; and have better relationships with your family.
The program is available to parents and carers of children in Western Australia, thanks to the Department of Education, Child and Adolescent Health Service, WA Country Health Service, and the Department of Communities. Private providers also deliver Triple P.
You may also be eligible for a Medicare rebate on your Triple P sessions. Please check with your provider or GP.
The City of Cockburn Parenting Services
Cockburn Parenting Service is a free service for families with children aged 0-18 years in the City of Cockburn. The service provides practical advice on children’s development, parent education and information, emotional support and strategies to assist those in a parenting role. The service also provides parenting information and strategies delivered through a variety of forums including parenting groups, events and individual programs as needed.